Jef Charland - Bass

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Jef Charland is a musician and private lesson instructor who resides in Newton, MA and performs and teaches in the surrounding area. Jef earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 1992 from Berklee College of Music where he studied with renowned guitarist Jon Damian. After graduating from Berklee he took up independent study of the double bass and is now an in-demand bassist around the Boston area. He is the regular bassist in a variety of ensembles including Charlie Kohlhase’s Explorers Club, Gill Aharon Trio, Daniel Rosenthal Quintet, Clear Audience, The Blue Ribbons, and also does a varied array of freelance work. Jef has performed in a variety of settings including the MDC Hatch Shell, Montreal Jazz Festival, Scullers Jazz Club and on public radio station WGBH.